Are landlords required to clean between tenants?
12-11-2024 | Property Maintenance & InteriorsWhile cleaning your property between tenants is not a legal requirement, it is still best to do so for new tenants. The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 highlights that tenants have the right to a property that is clean and well-maintained. Here, we’ll look at whether landlords are required to clean between tenants and if a landlord can charge previous tenants for professional cleaning.
Who’s responsible for what?
Before going into more detail about whether landlords are required to clean between tenants, let’s take a look at some tenant and landlord expectations.
Tenant responsibilities
Tenants are responsible for ensuring that the property is clean enough at the end of their tenancy. This will allow you, as the landlord, to inspect the property thoroughly, making the process smoother for all parties involved.
Tenants should make sure that they help maintain the property by:
- Paying for any damage to be repaired if caused by them to make sure that the property is left in the same condition as what it was received in.
- Ensuring that they keep the property clean by vacuuming, dusting and wiping down surfaces.
- Ensuring that they report any repair issues or damages to landlords as soon as possible to ensure that the property is kept in good condition.
There’s also an unwritten rule that, despite who’s in charge of cleaning, carpets, appliances and communal spaces always need to be kept clean and maintained. So, for those tenants who house share or who share communal spaces, it’s important to keep this in mind, too.
Then, at the end of a tenancy agreement, if a tenant has properly maintained the property and kept it clean, the house will not be as difficult to clean for the next tenant.
Landlord responsibilities
So, we’ve already mentioned that landlords are not required to clean between tenants, however, you still have a responsibility to ensure that your property is fit for habitation and ready before the next tenancy agreement begins.
For example, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve carried out a thorough inspection of your property to ensure that any repairs that need to be made are done before the next tenancy agreement starts. Also, while you’re carrying out your inspection, you’ll be able to tell if the tenant has cleaned the property or not.
If you feel that the tenant hasn’t put enough effort into cleaning your property, you’ll need to take the necessary steps to ensure that your property is clean and ready for the next tenant.
If previous tenants have not fulfilled their obligations in cleaning the property, you are legally allowed to withhold a certain amount of money from their security deposit to ensure that the property is cleaned.
Can a landlord charge for professional cleaning?
There may be some doubt in your mind about whether or not you are able to charge tenants for professional cleaning as a landlord, but this is actually one of the most common reasons for deducting money from a tenant’s security deposit. This is especially important if the property has not been returned in the same condition as what it was handed over, which can be contractually reinforced by you, as the landlord.
The only way to get past this, however, is to make sure that you provide an inventory list which proves the property was cleaner at the beginning of the tenancy than it was at the end. You need to make sure that you have photographic evidence of this within the inventory list.
So, whilst you cannot specifically claim for cleaning services, you can claim money from the tenant’s deposit under costs associated with getting the property back to its original state; this includes cleaning.
This does not include fair wear and tear, however, so make sure that you always consider this before charging your tenants for wear and tear.
Best practices for landlords
Although landlords are not required to clean between tenants, it is important to ensure that the property is in good order before the next tenant moves in. There are most definitely benefits to this, such as:
- Reduction in costs: by ensuring your property is looked after and well maintained, you’ll automatically reduce repair costs.
- Avoiding disputes: if your property is well-maintained and cleaned, you’ll automatically avoid disputes with your tenants. This is especially true for new tenants coming into a clean and orderly property.
- Attracting new tenants: It’s more likely to attract new tenants with a well-maintained and cleaned property.
Making sure that your property is clean for the next tenant will also set certain cleaning expectations so that tenants are aware of your expectations as a landlord.
So, the next time you feel unsure about whether you, as a landlord, are required to clean between tenants, remember that it is your responsibility to make sure that your tenants move into a home that is clean and fit for habitation.
Also, remember that you’re within your rights to charge your previous tenants for professional cleaning if they have not put in the effort to clean your property properly.
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